Hot Lunch is ONCE a month (Friday's) on the following dates:
- March 7th (order cutoff = Thursday February 27th @ midnight)
- April 4th (order cutoff = Thursday March 27th @ midnight)
- May 2nd *LAST ONE OF THE YEAR* (order cutoff = Thursday April 24th @ midnight)
Hot lunch is not possible without volunteers helping to distribute food to the classrooms! If you are able to help out on any of the days, sign up here:
We want Hot Lunch to be accessible to each child. If you are in need of financial assistance please contact us at and we will be happy to assist. No questions asked & all requests will remain confidential
First time ordering? Follow the steps below:
Steps to create an account:
On the right hand side click on "Click Here To Register"
It will direct you to a new page - use the ACCESS CODE EMJS
Fill out the form to create your account. After this first time you can log back in using whatever userID and password you choose
Steps to enter your child/children into the system once logged in:
Click on "Students" to add each child in your family who attends our school.
Ensure you have the correct Surname and Division/Teacher associated with each student
How to place an order: *hot lunch is only ONCE a month*
Click on "orders" and proceed to place orders for each child
When ordering lunches, be sure to scroll down to check you have ordered what you want every week
Wait to pay until everything you want is selected
How to pay:
Once finished, choose "Pay Now Online"
We can no longer accept cash/cheque payments
Hot lunch is not possible without volunteers! If you are able to help out on any of the days, sign up here: Click for Sign Up Sheet
If you need assistance or have any questions, contact us at
How to Connect with EMJS PAC
Subscribe to our newsletter - includes newsletter archive (link)
We have switched from PayPal to Bambora for online payment.
Payment options include VISA, Mastercard, Amex and VISA Debit.
PLEASE NOTE: EMJS PAC is unable to provide refunds for children who are not in attendance on hot lunch days, or for lunch days that are canceled due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g. blizzard, earthquake, job action, unplanned school closures). Thank you for understanding that all fundraising proceeds are used to fund school initiatives that benefit all students.
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